Monday, 23 May 2016


As GIS specialists, we are tasked by the commanding officer with the establishing deployment site(s) of a signal tower(s) that will act as a relay station in order to establish communication with the platoon. The signal mask has a frequency coverage of 12 km, when erected is 5 meters in height. In the accordance with the military doctrine, the signal towers must not be deployed with 2 kilometres of any residential areas or industrial areas. Develop a suitable model to identify the possible deployment and erection site(s) of the signal tower. 

Elevation Maps (2)

Figure 9: The elevation value

Figure 10: The elevation value

Elevation Maps

Figure 7: The elevation value

Figure 8: The elevation value

Town Buffering according to the constraints

Figure 4: Buffer zone around towns

Figure 5: The border of the Saldanha municipal with its buffered town

Map of area of interest

Figure 2:The Saldanha Bay Municipal border and its towns

Municipal Boundary

Figure 3: Saldanha Municipal Boundary


Based on the results of the spatial analysis used, between St. Helena bay and the HQ ( 4 Special Forces Regiment). There are several points that have higher elevation for the mast however some were not visible from the viewpoint of choice. A Spatial analyst tool was used to test for visibility and non-visibility. This tool among the other tools that were used, enabled us to identify the Possible deployment position. The criteria for such selection was mainly based  on viewshed and elevation.